My Projects 

V-Shop Web App
Featured Projects

V-Shop Web App

V-Shop is a Dynamic Ecommerce application built using frontend – Reactjs and Tailwind CSS, MUI.Complete Backend Support using Nodejs and Express with MongoDB Atlas Database, a fully Functional Web Application.

Cab Booking Web App
Featured Projects

Cab Booking Web App

Cab booking Web App is based on Nextjs with Javascript. Our cab booking website project aims to provide users with a seamless and efficient way to book transportation services with backend Support - Spring boot.

E-Learning Mobile App
Featured Projects

E-Learning Mobile App

E-learning app in React Native offers a seamless mobile learning experience. It features user authentication, interactive courses, video lectures, quizzes, and progress tracking. The app responsive design ensures compatibility across devices.

Weather Mobile App
Featured Projects

Weather Mobile App

Weather app in Android Studio using Java and Xml provides real-time weather updates with a modern and intuitive interface. Key features include temperature, humidity, wind direction, precipitation and much more.This app has strong java base support for its functionality and native support.

Translator App
Featured Projects

Translator App

A basic translator ui built using python and tkinter along with google translator api. The best part I created this translator within 3 hours that is so fast and easy.